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More Selective Magical Traps

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:29 pm
by Geras
So there's a few magical trap spells in the game, which is great. What I'd like to argue for is 1 for more of them and 2 for them to be more selective.

On point 1, I think deterring enemies from fighting you on your "turf" is an important part of the balance of the game between mages and knights. In a straight up fight knights should win the vast majority of the time, but if you give the mage the opportunity to prepare and plan and set a trap the advantage should shift towards the mage in my opinion. We already have spells that do this (I know of 2 and there could be more I don't know), but more is always appreciated.

On point 2, what I mean by selective is that they wouldn't just hurt anyone. So you could worry less about falling into your own trap or harming one of your allies. Examples of this could be:

Traps attuned to hit specific people (blacklist)
Traps attuned to not hit specific people (whitelist)
Traps that are selective based on certain properties of the player (mounted on horseback, wearing lots of metal, etc).

You get the idea. I think that would add a lot of utility.

Re: More Selective Magical Traps

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:31 pm
by Geras
Also traps that move around like a roving NPC would be cool.